Recovia understands that at times there can be some concerns. Take a look below at some of the most common. If you do not see your concern listed, we invite you to contact our team to clarify and answer any concerns.
1. I'm not sure if I can afford treatment.
You may be surprised, but Recovia is contracted with most major insurances plans, AHCCCS, Medicare, and work comp plans. Call us at 480-712-4600 today and we can get the authorization for you so when you come by to take a tour we can let you know what your insurance coverage and copay will be if that applies.
2. I don't have enough time to commit to a program.
Recovia's outpatient program gives the patient the flexibility to make their own schedule. Patients can pick the days that work for them to maintain daily commitments to work and family. Recovia's multi-disciplinary program under one roof really allows the patient the opportunity to invest in themselves. Come take a tour to learn more about our program.
3. I don't think I can physically handle it.
Recovia's program is individually tailored and adjusted to each patient's needs. Recovia understands that each individual is different and all our providers work together to come up with a personalized program to allow our patients achieve long-term success. Come take a tour to learn more about our program.
4. I'm concerned about changing my medication, what will I do about my pain?
Recovia understands that doctors are now limited in how much they can prescribe opioids based on new legislation (Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act, 2018). Recovia's program works to adjust your need for medication to a level that your doctor can continue to prescribe, If necessary. Recovia's goal is to reduce or eliminate the need for opioids using our wholistic approach and medications, if needed, to transition away from traditional opioids. Come take a tour to learn more about our program. We use cutting edge research in health care to help patients take control of their pain actively without relying on passive "fixes" like medication.
5. I'm not sure why my doctor sent me here.
Recovia is not a detox or rehab, that is only part of what we do. Your doctor referred you to maximize your function and quality of life - no labels, no judgement. Come take a tour to learn more about our program.
6. I don't have a way to get there.
Some AHCCCS plans provide transportation for free. More and more insurances are starting to offer transportation. Call us at 480-712-4600 today and we can see if you insurance plan includes transportation for you so when you come by to take a tour we can let you know what your insurance coverage includes.