Freedom is defined as "The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." In this country we are blessed to have the RIGHT to enjoy many freedoms that are embodied by the quote above. However, I think it is interesting that freedom is defined as the "power or right" to it, not simply the feeling of being Free.
In other words, it doesn't mean that we actually take advantage of that freedom. We are often hindered by our physical pain to do things, by our schedules and responsibilities, by our lack of funds, by our time-management.
If you could be free to do anything today...What would it be?
Why? What feeling or feelings would doing your heart's desire create?
Can you think of a time that you felt the same feelings you are trying to create in your life?
The amazing thing about feelings is our brain and body don’t know the difference between remembering something that creates a certain feeling and actually doing something that creates the feeling. So the good news is, if you love the beach and being there makes you feel instantly calm and peaceful, you can just pretend you are there and as long as you truly create the feeling all the same positive endorphins and hormone changes that happen when you feel peace, will happen.
The trick is you have to take a moment to truly feel what it was like in the moment that you felt those feelings. Take some deep breaths. Can you begin to feel those feelings again just by bringing the memories back?
The answer is yes, although it is a skill you may not have finely tuned at the moment. I have been working with an organization called the Institute of HeartMath to learn skills and techniques to live a more balanced, connected and happy life. At Recovia we have implemented HeartMath Resilience Training as part of our life skills program. Our participants become much more self-aware and in control of their own inner experience. They can learn tools and skills, which with practice can begin to retrain automatic responses they no longer wish to have, like anger and frustration.
The advice and information provided herein is for educational purposes only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed medical professional should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.
Written By: Dr. Chrissy Christian-Stamm, DC