Everyone has a different taste in music and experiences it in a unique way. Although this may vary among individuals, it can be agreed that everyone is influenced by music. We have probably realized at one point or another, music can impact our emotions. You may be in a great mood blasting your favorite artist, or in a sad mood and enabling it with depressing songs. Whatever the case, you know it can affect you. However, have you ever thought about music affecting your body physically? Research shows that music can affect how you are feeling, not just emotionally, but physically as well.
Music Can Distract You: This strong connection you have with music and your favorite piece can distract you from the pain that you are experiencing. Not only are you taking your mind off of the pain, but you can control the music that you are listening to. By controlling the artist, how long you play each song, the volume, etc, you are distracting yourself from the pain that you cannot control.
Music Can Be Relaxing: Music can be relaxing if you choose to listen to an artist that calms you. When your body is calm and relaxed, you may not feel as achy. Stress and anxiety can cause your pain to flare, which can lead to inflammation and result in an increase in pain. Find tunes that bring you to a happy place and help you take your mind off of the pain.
Music Can Release Body Produced Opioids: Music can also help release body produced opioids in the brain. Opioid medication is often prescribed to pain patients to help them manage pain. However, our bodies actually have their own opioids and music can naturally release these. This can help manage the pain and the best part is that it is natural!
These are just a few of the benefits that music can have on your health. Choose your music wisely as it can sway your physical pain in either direction. Listening to music that brings you sadness and bad memories can make your body tense and increase inflammation. At the same time, listening to light-hearted music that makes you happy can release opioids and calm your inflammation. Listen to this kind of music and see if you can tell a difference in how your body is feeling and the peacefulness that accompanies it.
Recovia is a functional flex-care program that aims to maximize recovery for individuals suffering from chronic pain, injury, or dependency. The mission is to provide a compassionate, comprehensive, cost effective, and individualized functional rehabilitation program. For more information, please contact us at 480-712-4600 or visit our information page.
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