The United States is in the midst of an opioid addiction epidemic. As of 2017, more than 90 people die of opioid overdose every day, and in 2015, an estimated 12.5 million people misused prescription opioids in some way.1,2 The severity of opioid addiction has only increased since the 1990s, partially because doctors unknowingly prescribed too many painkillers to the general population and partially because pharmaceutical companies intentionally or otherwise misled the public about opioids’ true effects.
Those numbers are especially high in Arizona, which has seen 564 suspected opioid deaths and 4,153 suspected opioid overdoses from June 15 to November 16, 2017 alone.3 The highest concentration of overdoses is in Maricopa County, where Recovia is located.
How to Get Help
Perhaps you are one of the many people who has found themselves addicted to prescription drugs, heroin or fentanyl. If that is the case, it is crucial you receive professional help. Opioid abuse can cause death by overdose, and long-term opioid abuse can even make your pain symptoms worse over time.
While you may be tempted to undergo detoxification on your own, quitting cold turkey can put your body through harmful and intensely painful withdrawals. There is also a high chance of relapse when you don’t have medical help or a support system in place. Your body will even be more prone to overdose after a period of self-detox since you will lose your drug tolerance.
Joining either an inpatient or outpatient program at a rehabilitation center is the best way to detox comfortably and maintain your sobriety long after the program is completed. Medical professionals and counselors at these facilities specialize in weaning the body off opioids as safely as possible.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient
As you begin exploring treatment and recovery options, the first thing you’ll want to consider is whether you’re more suited for an inpatient or outpatient program.
With an inpatient program, patients live on-site at the rehabilitation center under constant medical supervision. People with more severe drug dependence or addiction may find this approach more helpful, as they can put their normal life on hold and put all their energy toward drug abstinence.
By contrast, an outpatient program allows patients to continue living their day-to-day lives and come into the rehabilitation center for a certain number of hours per week. If you have a recent opioid addiction or your withdrawal symptoms are less severe, this may be the most appropriate option for you. Outpatient programs are still highly effective even though the patient lives at home.
Some patients will need to combine both inpatient and outpatient programs to maintain their sobriety and feel connected to a support system. It is important to choose the type of program you feel will work best considering your life circumstances and the nature of your dependence or addiction.
A Holistic Approach
When you are researching rehabilitation centers, look for signs that each center takes a holistic, personalized approach. Dependence and addiction result from a complex combination of life circumstance, genetic predisposition, mental health and access to drugs. As such, they manifest differently for each person and require different treatment approaches.
For example, the anxiety-ridden single mother of three who has abused prescription pills steadily for the last five years has different needs than the male college athlete who originally took prescription pills to stay in the game and now relies on a steady stream of pills and alcohol just to function. Their gender, age, family structure, work/school situation, income level and length of addiction are all entirely unique. It is likely they have different motives and underlying causes of addiction, as well. An effective rehabilitation center would treat these two patients according to their individual histories and life circumstances, not offer a one-size-fits-all solution.
Rehabilitation centers that promote a holistic approach will offer a variety of services that combat every level of dependence and addiction, from the physical to the psychological to the social. Some may include:
- Medications to help with detox – Methadone and buprenorphine can stave off cravings to allow for a safer, more comfortable detox.
- Counseling services – Group counseling and family counseling can help patients share their struggle with others and develop a support system.
- Stress relief – Practicing yoga, meditation and other physical activities can alleviate the stress that often accompanies detox and drug abstinence.
- Mental health services – Drug abuse can be a way for people to cope with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis, etc. Mental health services help patients address these underlying causes of addiction.
- Pain management alternatives – You may have originally taken opioids for a painful medical condition. A good rehabilitation center will help you find other treatments for your pain.
A Long-Term Solution
Many people have gone through detox multiple times, either on their own or in a rehabilitation center, only to relapse after each attempt. This can be highly frustrating and disheartening for someone who strives to live a drug-free life. However, past relapses don’t guarantee future treatment won’t be successful.
The key to total recovery is not just a safe initial detox, but a sustainable recovery plan that the patient can successfully follow once they’ve graduated from their rehabilitation program. The effect drugs have on your brain cannot be reversed at the flick of a switch, so any quality rehabilitation center should have long-term solutions to help keep you on track with treatment long after you complete detox.
Build an Opioid-Free Life at Recovia in Scottsdale, AZ
No matter how long you’ve been dependent on or addicted to opioids, you can still receive help. At Recovia, our team of licensed medical practitioners want to help you rebuild a healthy, opioid-free life where you feel like you can conquer the world without relying on drugs.
Our Intensive Outpatient Program takes place over the course of either 6 weeks or 10 weeks. During this time, patients will come in from 9 am to 3 pm for a structured set of activities designed to clear the drugs from your body and set you up for a healthier future. We can help those reliant on:
- Oxycodone
- Morphine
- Percocet
- Hydrocodone
- Fentanyl
- Codeine
- And more
You have already taken the first step by visiting our website. Call us at 480-712-4600 today for more information or complete our online program application on our contact us page to take your next step toward recovery.
1 https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/opioids/opioid-overdose-crisis